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Tucson Archives®©

Welcome to the Tucson Archives of Tucson, Arizona.
The archives are continually in process of being digitalized
to be made available all virtutally 24/7 to local, instate, nationwide,
worldwide visitors - researchers - organizations.

1896 Streets Of Tucson Arizona Men Riding On Horses

1896 Local Citizens Downtown At The 'Wedge'
Tucson Arizona

Tucson Today

In 1950 the entire population of Tucson
Arizona would have still had lots of room
left over if every citizen, visitor, teenager, child, and baby
sat down in what is now the Football Stadium at the University of Arizona.

Tucson's population  growth exploded from the 1950s to 2020s.
With that growth of hundreds of thousands of people from very different
big city cultures and mindsets, came drastic changes that were often very pronounced.
Those changes occurred in Tucson so quickly that many of yesterday’s stories,
landscapes, people, and lifestyles are now invisible to today's Tucsonans.

This is why history is recorded.

Tucson Archives®© is a constantly growing collection of
interviews about life and change in Tucson and Southern Arizona.
As recorders of Southern Arizona History,
one of the most important ways to serve
the community is to preserve the items and stories
for the people of today and tomorrow.

Browse the collection and began seeing Tucson in more dimensions.

Exhibits include time periods of items from before the 1500s to the 2020s
including those of Tucson, Southern Arizona, Phoenix,
and other Arizona cities - towns - communities


Tucson Archives Exhibits



Tucson Archives

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Tucson Museum And Library

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